Easy Pink and Blue Lighting

Its pretty simple, no trickery. Place a red light source at camera left and another light with a blue gel on the right. Your background should be plain if in the studio like this, these are done with a white seamless. It doesn’t have to be elaborate lighting, you can use headlamps and a tiny little piece of gel to get some cool effects. I’ve shot a flashlight through a blue mouthwash bottle to get the blue light.

For these shots below we put up a big umbrella with a red gel and a standard 7” reflector with a blue gel at 45 degree angles. These read a little dark to me so I may add a non gelled spotlight right down the middle to see about getting some clean light to add focus on the face. When I do that I’ll post it here.

I like these because they are way different than what I normally do and its fun to let go and create in a different mindset.

I feel it’s important to be open to magic (happy accidents) during and after the production. The two images below the blue and pink versions are what happens when only one of the lights fires. In one case just the blue light fired and same happened for the red light on a different frame. I decided to combine those two misfired shots into a photoshop experiment. The two images you see are the same files combined in two different ways in photoshop.

Easy Pink and Blue Lighting

Easy Pink and Blue Lighting

Photoshop Experiments

Photoshop Experiments

Photoshop Experiments

Photoshop Experiments